Starting signal for the future of automated transport. Digitrans expands the proving ground in St. Valentin
The expansion of the proving ground in St. Valentin marks an important step towards the mobility of the future. On May 31, 2021, work began on expanding the existing test site on the grounds of the Magna Powertrain Engineering Center Steyr in St. Valentin. A state-of-the-art test infrastructure for automated vehicle technologies is to be created in order to develop, test and verify safe, connected and autonomous driving in Austria. After the conversion, the proving ground will be specifically designed to test automated vehicle technologies under difficult weather and road conditions.
In the long term, the expansion of the proving ground in St. Valentin should help to increase transport and traffic safety, increase technology acceptance and promote the implementation of climate-neutral freight mobility concepts. This should lead to new and cost-efficient transport solutions and sustainable business models for the future of automated transport.
Project goals of the extension of the proving ground to the Test Center for Automated Driving in St. Valentin
The primary goal is to establish a test infrastructure for autonomous vehicle technologies in order to develop, test and verify safe, connected and autonomous driving in Austria.
- Test a wide variety of traffic scenarios under real-life conditions
- Test and validate sensors, cameras and software in adverse weather and road conditions
- Test and further develop connected and cooperative driving using C-ITS and 5G
- Generate test data and make it available for research and development
- Create basis for certifications of autonomous and automated vehicles and commercial vehicles
- Fast and safe implementation of autonomous and automated vehicles and commercial vehicles in real traffic
- Expanding the business location by strengthening its attractiveness & international competitiveness
Roadmap and expansion phases of the proving ground in St. Valentin
The test site of the Magna Powertrain Engineering Center Steyr already features classic test elements such as asphalt tracks with different road markings, driving dynamics surface, bad road tracks, twisting tracks, off-road terrain, different gradients and traffic circles. By summer 2022, the proving ground is to be fully expanded in 2 phases into a test center for automated commercial vehicles.
- Phase 1 (Auffahrt 1)
Infrastructure investments – primarily for test areas of passenger cars, : roads, intersections, round about, highway sections, driving dynamics area, control room, road markings, lighting system, rain system, traffic light system (C-ITS).
- Phase 2, (Auffahrt 2)
Test areas for trucks: lift zone and city zone as well as loading ramps and entrance gates, driving dynamics area (phase 2)
Drone flight over the proving ground in St. Valentin
Follow us on a drone flight over the test area for automated driving in St. Valentin, Lower Austria
Construction progress of the Digitrans proving ground in St. Valentin
Additional project information
- Project name:
Extension of the Digitrans proving ground in St. Valentin.
Autonomous driving vehicles – extension of test track
(Autonomfahrende Fahrzeuge – Ausbau Teststrecke , Auffahrt 1 / Auffahrt 2) - Name of the beneficiary: Digitrans GmbH / CEO Ing. Alexander Barth
- Project start: March 2020 / Project end: February 2023
- Total amount of eligible expenses: € 2.5 million
- Location information: Areal Engineering Center Steyr, St. Valentin, Weindlau 50, 4432 Ernsthofen, Austria
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Further Insights

Road marking systems and autonomous driving – Digitrans expert interview with SWARCO Road Marking Systems
SWARCO Road Marking Systems has been a cooperation partner of Digitrans in the field of road marking systems since July 2021.
Since then, SWARCO’s road marking experts have been testing the readability of road markings for the sensors of modern vehicles in the Digitrans Test Center for Autonomous Driving under a wide range of external conditions.

Joanneum Research creates digital twin and high-precision maps for the proving ground in St. Valentin
As part of the transnational cooperative research project testEPS, funded by the BMK, JOANNEUM RESERACH created a three dimensional digital twin of the test track in St.Valentin as a reference for testing and verifying automated driving functions.

Initial tests for the recognition of road markings on the Digitrans proving ground in St. Valentin
On the Digitrans proving ground for autonomous driving in St. Valentin, the Chair “Sustainable Transport Logistics 4.0” of the Johannes Kepler University Linz and SWARCO Road Marking Systems were able to carry out the first successful tests for the recognition of road markings.